How do you overcome cravings for cheese?

How do you overcome your cravings for cheese?

First of all you need to nourish your body properly. Feed your body healthy foods and the right foods so you no longer feel the physical craving for cheese. A tip to get you started is to eat as much fruit as you desire before each meal. This will satisfy you enough for you not to crave anything after your meals.

Cut dairy out completely or reduce it dramatically. Don't eat cheese, not even a little as it is much harder to avoid the first bite then the second.

Lastly make sure you are not craving cheese for emotional reasons. Observe yourself throughout a day and see if emotions/stress trigger you to crave cheese. If so you can then begin to address the emotions you are feeling and stop using food to suppress them. If need be get support from others so you can turn to them when you are feeling stressed as opposed to cheese.

You can overcome cheese addiction, you just need to become aware of your triggers and nourish your body with the right foods to stop physical cravings arising.

Why do I crave Cheese??

I Crave Cheese - Is Cheese Addictive? 
By Kelly Aziz

Cheese addiction is fairly common in the Western world but most people don't realize they are addicted to it. It seems crazy but a lot of the foods we eat have physically addictive properties and keep us hooked and coming back for more time and time again. Not only do we have to battle with the physical addiction of these foods but also the emotional addiction. We are a society of comfort eaters.

So what makes cheese addictive?

In 1981 Eli Hazum and colleagues discovered traces of a chemical in cow milk's that was similar to morphine. They put it through several tests only to conclude that in fact it WAS morphine. Morphine is a highly addictive opiate, but what is it doing in cow's milk?
Well cow's produce morphine in their bodies. This is most likely to cause a calming effect on their young to make sure they continue to feed to get the nutrients they need but also to make sure they bond with their mother.
On top of milk containing morphine, it also contains casein which when broken down during digestion frees a whole host of opiates. Casein is in a much higher concentration than in just milk too. So as you can see cheese is highly addictive.

Kelly Aziz is an expert in the field of nutrition and addiction psychology. She is the author of the acclaimed "Free to Eat" Combat Your Cravings eBook that helps you eat well and combat cravings for good. For more information please visit:

Amber Jones the Personal Trainer INTERVIEW


What is your favorite cardio workout?
My favourite cardio workout is boxing and running stairs at the track or at stadiums. I love to maximize my physical potential by doing extremely intense fitness regimes that leave me tired, exhausted, and winded!

What is your Personal Training Philosophy?
I believe in customizing fitness plans so clients develop strong, powerful, and healthy bodies. I feel it is important that fitness training instructions are clear, concise and have a distinct purpose so my clients can work towards something that is truly possible. I work hard to ensure that each session with my client moves them closer to changing their body forever.

What is your business mission statement?
I strive to be an authentic and dedicated fitness consultant that ensures great results and I also encourage my clients to share their achievements with others. It is my mission to be the physical expression of a human being bringing goodness to others through fitness and exercise workouts.

What’s your personal motto?
Journey with persistence, rest in certainty and recover with faith.

What’s your go-to on the road workout?
It’s 15 minutes skipping rope in the morning before breakfast, then a 30 minute total body workout in the afternoon where I can fit it in. My afternoon workout on the road includes 2 exercises for each muscle group in the body. For example, I start with a quick 4 minute warm up on the treadmill, and then I move on to legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms, and then abs.

Stay happy, heathly & blessed.

Amber Jones, The Fit Teach

You don't have to PAY Personal Trainers to help kids lose weight, we ALL can help.

Kinetic children are children who need to move in order to retain information longer while learning simultaneously.

My goal is to design programs to prevent onset diabetes in children by keeping children educated, active and healthy at an affordable prices. We ALL have a unique opportunity to offer kids personalize tips and advice; our OWN life experiences about health are dynamic opportunities to introduce fitness to children. Simply the way WE behave in our own day-to-day life is the best example we can set for children of all ages.

Together we can:

  • Focus on creating healthy connections between fitness and learning in daily life.
  • Provide a purposeful future by teaching kids the importance of mental strength in conjunction with physical health.
  • Offer chances for kids to incorporate fitness in fun and fulfilling ways.
  • Provide assistance with exercise skills, eating habits, and overall well-being when kids show natural curiosity.
written by Amber Jones

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Amber Jones, The Fit Teach

Pulling Exercises to do in the Gym

Pulling Exercises:

1. Cable pull (crossovers) Chest* pec fly
2. Tricep pull downs (rope) pull down, & slightly open
3. Dumbbell Shrugs – pull shoulders towards ears, shoulders slightly tilted forward
4. Lat pull down – pull bar down towards top of chest
5. Decline Bench –Abs
6. Hanging knee raise – pull knees towards chest (without captains chair)
7. Captain’s chair – pull knees up towards chest

Trying to lose fat?? Don't eat fruit!!

Dr. Eric Serrano, a world-renowned sports nutrition specialist, shares Parillo's sentiments. According to Dr. Serrano, fruits should be consumed occasionally (primarily post-workout) & the top 6 fruits include:


If fruit consumption is so counterproductive to losing body fat then what's left to eat? Well, I think Dr. Fred Hui, a Toronto physician who practices a unique blend of Eastern and Western medicine, sums it up best with the following quote: "Vegetables have all the health benefits of fruit including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber without the sugar! Eat plenty of vegetables instead!"

Fructose is absorbed by the small intestine and directly transported to the liver via the portal vein. The first enzyme to act is fructokinease. By the way: guess what the number one sweetner used in commercially available “sports nutrition” bars is? You guessed it: fructose!
The reason fructose has a low GI rating is because it doesn’t even have a chance to spike insulin – it’s in too much of a hurry to bypass the carb highway on its way directly into body fat storage! Remember how fructose bypasses the regular carbohydrate pathways? Well that’s precisely why it has a low GI rating. The body treats it like a fat, and like saturated fat fructose just heads right into body fat stores assuming the body is in a calorie-plus metabolic status.
This is why we at Parrillo Performance have a bad opinion of fruit: it is loaded with fructose. Our repeated in-the-trenches experience with competitive bodybuilders has shown us repeatedly that fruit adds body fat to those trying to lower their body fat percentiles. Nothing personal against this dietary mainstay, but if you are interested in losing as much body fat as possible – toss the fruit!

Click this link to read more:


Read what a Naturopthic doctor says about changing your body for life!!

Natasha Turner, N.D. is a Toronto-based naturopathic doctor. She is the founder of the Clear Medicine wellness boutique and author of the bestselling book The Hormone Diet. Each week in her column for That's, Dr. Turner advises readers on how to remedy common health issues as well as improve their overall health.

"Here's the most important thing: If you're not reaching your weight loss goals, don't get frustrated and give up. Weight loss is difficult to achieve without support or proper guidance. Remember, you're where you are right now because of the choices you made yesterday. Doing something different today might just lead to a new you tomorrow." - Dr. Natasha Turner


Cortisol is the hormone responsible for helping us deal with long-term stress whereas the other stress hormone, adrenalin, is involved in our immediate response to stress. Elevated cortisol levels destroy muscle fibres, suppress immunity, affect memory and concentration, weaken bone mineral density and even contribute to cancer. It's important to talk to your doctor about your cortisol levels -- don't leave your stress unattended as it can be incredibly harmful to your health.

If you cortisol levels are off:
  • Relora will reduce your cortisol.
  • A product called Destress from Biotics Research is an all-natural milk protein dietary supplement used address the symptoms of stress safely and without side effects.
  • Phosphatidylserine is a product that negates the bad effects of stress hormones on the muscles and the brain cells. Taken before bed, this product may help improve sleep too.
  • Yoga and pilates can lower cortisol levels while increasing muscle strength and helping you relax.

Known as the "happy" hormone, serotonin controls appetite and cravings -- and if levels are low, cravings for carbohydrates tend to be stronger. To achieve the optimal balance for weight loss, a number of factors must be considered, such as proper diet, sleep, exercise and mental attitude.

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6 secret success tips to change your body (information by Dr. Natasha Turner)

Weight loss is a delicate process, and one that's dependent upon healthy hormonal balance. One of the key components to slimming down successfully is to identify your current state of hormonal imbalance through a proper assessment, which then allows the formulation of a strategic formula for weight loss success. Let's consider six formulations for some of the main hormones that influence your body composition:


Insulin is a signal in the body that allows glucose from the food we eat to be used as fuel. These sugars, if not used or burned off, will be stored as fat, so essentially, insulin is responsible for our flab. When nsulin levels are too high, weight tends to accumulate in the "love handles" area around the waist.

This poses a serious long-term health risk -- excess weight around the middle is associated with increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. A fasting insulin and glucose test completed by your doctor is an excellent way to determine if abnormally high insulin levels are causing your weight gain. High triglycerides, cholesterol and/or blood pressure may also accompany this hormonal imbalance.

If insulin levels are an issue for you: Here's what to do:

  • Make resistance training and cardiovascular exercise part of your life. A circuit training program, such as the one outlined on The Hormone Diet website, allows you to do both at once.
  • CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a supplement that improves the body's response to insulin, thereby lowering insulin levels (always talk to an MD or ND about dosages).
  • Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is another supplement that could help, especially when combined with a whey protein shake for breakfast most days of the week.
  • Balance your protein, fat and carbohydrates for three meals and two snacks each day and consider taking a fibre supplement like Metafibre from Metagenics to improve your insulin sensitivity.
  • Increase cinnamon in your diet -- it's great for your insulin response.
  • Drink two to four cups of green tea each day to improve fat burning and glucose regulation in the body.
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Review: food allergies inconsistently diagnosed and poorly researched

Review: food allergies inconsistently diagnosed, poorly researched

Fewer than 10% of Americans have food allergies, yet sloppy studies, wrong diagnoses and inaccurate testing have been leading a far larger portion of the population to believe they too are allergic to certain foods, according to a new review of allergy studies published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association. As the New York Times reports, an estimated 30% of Americans believe that they have food allergies, but in truth roughly 8% of children and 5% of adults are actually allergic to certain foods, according to estimates from Dr. Marc Riedl, an author of the new research who specializes in allergies and immunology at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The review, funded by the National Institutes of Health and commissioned by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, suggests that inconsistent testing methods and confusion about the distinction between intolerance to certain foods and actual allergies has contributed to the inflated numbers of people who believe they suffer from food allergies. What's more, reviewers found that even widely held beliefs about food allergies — that babies shouldn't be fed certain foods such as eggs during the first year of life, or that babies who are breast-fed are less likely to develop food allergies later in life — aren't based in any rigorous scientific evidence, the Times reports.

Can exercise help your cells live longer?

Can exercise help your cells live longer?

mmentsRelated Topics: Exercise, prevention , , , ,
© Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy/cultura/Corbis
Our cells are constantly replenishing themselves — with new ones replacing old ones that die off during routine apoptosis, or programmed cell death. According to new research published this week in the journal BMC Physiology, strenuous exercise might slow down the process of apoptosis, effectively making your cells live longer.

To see how strenuous exercise impacts programmed cell death, a team of Italian researchers took blood samples from 10 long-distance runners the day before and two hours after completing a marathon. They also took samples from six long-distance runners who did not participate in rigorous exercise during the study period. By examining certain cells extracted from the blood samples, researchers found that compared with rates of apoptosis among those who hadn't run, programmed cell death was temporarily halted among those who had completed the marathon.
Though the researchers warn that marathon-running can have its own health risks and that proper training is essential, they suggest that this temporary slow-down of cell death may be part of the way in which strenuous exercise helps maintain heart health and bone strength.

20 Good Reasons to Have a PERSONAL TRAINER

Personal Training does so many things. Here is what health professionals can do for YOU!!

A personal trainer…….
A Fitness Coach……
A Fitness Consultant……..

1. gets you results 3 times FASTER than working out on your own
2. gives you BETTER results than working out on your own
3. gives you programs for YOUR body type, your need, and your goals
4. Creates lasting results
5. increases your SELF-ESTEEM and body image almost instantly
6. MAXIMIZES your time and efficiency while in the gym working out
7. teaches you current information & essential ADVICE on nutrition
8. trains you SAFELY and prevents you from injuring yourself
9. HELPS you blast past plateaus
10. provides you with professional GUIDANCE and expertise
11. gives you VARIATION in the types of training so you stay interested
12. track your PROGRESS & keeps your workouts effective
13. makes you FEEL GREAT to have someone sincerely interested in you
14. keeps you INSPIRED and confident so you can do more
15. helps you SLEEP better
16. strengthens your IMMUNE system and keeps you healthy
17. allows you to SHARE a feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT
18. TEACHES you the correct ways to use the equipment in the gym
19. improves your COORDINATION, core strength and balance
20. helps you LIVE LONGER and better

10 ways to lose Fat by THE.FIT.TEACH

Incorporate these some of these tips into your healthy exercise and weight program to lose fat faster:

1. Drink 1 gallon of water per day
2. Take 4 grams of Glutamine per 25 lbs body weight
3. 4 - 5 oz of salmon every 3 days
4. Snack on broccoli 5 - 6 times through the day
5. Eat 2 grams of protein per lean lb of body weight **(for athletes that are trying to add muscle while burning body fat the need to consume 2 grams per total body weight)
6. Eat 6-8 small meals spread out there the day
7. Use MCT oils (healthy fat oils) to replace carbohydrate calories that you remove from your diet
8. 1 teaspoon of virgin olive oil daily
9. Use flax seed oil by adding 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to your meals.
Example: Add to protein shakes, salads, meats....)
10. 5 grams of Vitamins daily each morning when you wake up

Good luck and let me know how it goes......


The Fit Teach