The Protein Type Diet

In general or simplistic terms, if you are a protein type it means one of two things -- either your cells tend to burn carbohydrates too quickly (meaning you're a fast oxidizer), or the parasympathetic branch of your autonomic nervous system is stronger and more dominant than the sympathetic branch. This means you need a high-protein intake in order to strengthen your sympathetic system, and in turn acidify your too-alkaline metabolism. Or you need protein to slow down your overly rapid cellular oxidation rate, thereby alkalinizing your too-acid metabolism.

Protein types do very well on a diet that includes plenty of high-density, high-fat proteins known as "high-purine" proteins. These include foods like red meat, dark meat chicken and turkey, and various kinds of seafood such as salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, mussels, caviar and anchovies. Most protein types can also eat freely of whole fat foods in the form of cheese, eggs, cream and milk. It's especially important for protein types to include a significant amount of protein at every meal, and to moderate their intake of carbohydrates (grains, vegetables and fruits), especially the carbohydrates that are high in sugar and starch.

To read the original resource of The Protein Type Diet

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