Dr. Eric Serrano, a world-renowned sports nutrition specialist, shares Parillo's sentiments. According to Dr. Serrano, fruits should be consumed occasionally (primarily post-workout) & the top 6 fruits include:
If fruit consumption is so counterproductive to losing body fat then what's left to eat? Well, I think Dr. Fred Hui, a Toronto physician who practices a unique blend of Eastern and Western medicine, sums it up best with the following quote: "Vegetables have all the health benefits of fruit including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber without the sugar! Eat plenty of vegetables instead!"
Fructose is absorbed by the small intestine and directly transported to the liver via the portal vein. The first enzyme to act is fructokinease.
By the way: guess what the number one sweetner used in commercially available “sports nutrition” bars is? You guessed it: fructose! The reason fructose has a low GI rating is because it doesn’t even have a chance to spike insulin – it’s in too much of a hurry to bypass the carb highway on its way directly into body fat storage!
Remember how fructose bypasses the regular carbohydrate pathways? Well that’s precisely why it has a low GI rating. The body treats it like a fat, and like saturated fat fructose just heads right into body fat stores assuming the body is in a calorie-plus metabolic status.
This is why we at Parrillo Performance have a bad opinion of fruit: it is loaded with fructose. Our repeated in-the-trenches experience with competitive bodybuilders has shown us repeatedly that fruit adds body fat to those trying to lower their body fat percentiles. Nothing personal against this dietary mainstay, but if you are interested in losing as much body fat as possible – toss the fruit!
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