The law of sowing and reaping is also the story of the law of averages.

The story goes like this:

“The sower was ambitious. He had excellent seeds and the excellent seeds could bring about excellent opportunities, excellent results, and/or excellent weight loss success. So we’ve got an ambitious sower with excellent seeds. The sower goes out to sow the seeds, but the first part of the seeds fall by the wayside and the birds get it. The birds are going to get some of the seeds.

Now when the birds get some, you’ve got two options. Number one is to chase birds. I wouldn’t do this. Here’s what happens if you go chasing birds: you leave the field and this is going to distract from your future and not add it. The best comment to say when things are a little disappointing.….. “Isn’t that interesting?”

The sower keeps on sowing, that’s the secret to success. He keeps on sowing. If you keep sowing, you can sow more than the birds can get because there aren’t enough birds. There might be a lot of birds but there’s not enough because the Law of Averages will work in your favor – as long as you keep sowing.

Now the sower keeps sowing the seeds and now some of them fall on rocky ground where the soil is shallow. And this rocky ground is not of your making or even of your liking but because you have such excellent seeds and are such an ambitious sower a little plant starts to grow. But on the first hot day, it withers and dies. Not an easy thing to see, for any of us. Jot this down: The hot weather is going to get some.

Here’s what to say when the hot weather gets some of your seeds…… “Isn’t that interesting?”  What else can you say? The answer is nothing, there’s nothing else you can do.  I wouldn’t spend much time on that, just let it go and don’t go for this why, why, why stuff. You might say, “How come some plants (some successes in weight loss and in life) just last a little while?” Here’s the answer: Some just don’t stay. Jot this down:  Some results just don’t stay.

Now, you’re starting to get which categories to put your results and outcomes into and starting to see that you can’t solve the way it is set up. This is part of the Law of Success, the Law of Averages and the Law of Sowing and Reaping. To change the set up would be like trying to rearrange the seasons and you can’t fool with that. All you can do is cooperate with the way things are set up.

The the secret for an ambitious sower with good seeds is he keeps on sowing. He has to learn to discipline his disappointments. This is a key phrase to use for the rest of your life. You must learn to discipline your disappointments. Because this is the way things are set up; some attempts and successes are not going to stay, and that is not of your making, it’s part of the law. You’re not going to be successful at everything, all at once and especially not at the beginning.

Now, if you made gross errors, neglected due diligence and ruined your own seeds that’d be different; you’re responsible for that. But in the normal course of things, this is the way things are and you might ask, “Exactly how much of this are you going to have to go through?” Well, hang on. It’s not the end of the story.

The sower keeps sowing his seeds and some of them fall on thorny ground and again a little plant starts to grow but as soon as the little plant starts to mature, thorns begin to pop up and choke it to death and it dies. Jot this down: The thorns are going to get some and that’s not your fault either.

What are these thorns? Call these little thorns "little cares", "little distractions", "little something’s that-get-in-the-way", "little set-backs"…..who knows what they are. [Example: The screen door came off the hinges, dinner rehearsal for your friend’s wedding, your kid is having a birthday party and a sleepover. You can’t just let your house fall apart, neglect your friends or abandon your responsibilities; you’ve got to take some time and attend and fix things up.]

And you can hear the thorns growing. Extra trash has piled up in the garage and you can’t let mountains of trash take over. You’ve got to keep your trash hauled out. People who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities have a difficult time achieving success. The thorns are going to get some but they don't get them all.
Here’s the good news…..the rest of the story goes very quickly. 

The sower keeps on sowing seeds (you keep going to the gym, eating the proper foods, visiting informative websites, reading inspiring blogs). Yes, researching the internet and reading motivational articles and blogs can be more powerful to you now at your heaviest, your lowest or most discouraged than when you are at your smallest, fittest or most motivated. Good job coming this far!!

As the story continues, the Law of Averages always work. After continuing to sow - some seeds fall on good ground. Seeds falling on good ground will always happen (sooner or eventually) as long as you keep sowing. Keep plugging away at losing weight long, keep striving towards your goals, keep fighting to accomplish your dreams and eventually it will happen. Keep updating your information, seeking help from reliable consultants, and applying relevant principals and concepts and things start to happen. Seeds start to grow and plants begin to appear.

Some people will reap 30% from sowing seeds in good ground….and some will reap 60%..... and others will reap 100% from sowing in good ground. You ask, “Why the difference in numbers?” Jot this down: It’s just the way it is.

It’s not easy remembering that every client or person remotely interested in losing weight, aspiring towards goals, or dreaming of greatness is NOT going to be 100% successful.  You can try to make the 30% people reap 60% but that's difficult for any person to handle. 

Let the 30%’s do 30% to the best of their ability and keep letting them do 30% because that’s how they build their lifestyle and that’s they way they get what they want out of life. Let the 60%’s do 60% and let the 100%’s do 100%.

If you want to get all people to do 100% you must first go through all these experiences and next you’ve got to talk to all these people……which is exactly what I did.”

Hope you enjoyed this adapted Law of Averages written by Amber Jones, borrowed from “The Law of Sowing and Reaping by Jim Rohn (Excerpted from Building Your Network Marketing Business single CD)”
To read or download the original please click this link:


Anonymous said...

Great read!! I have some experience with this law. I have been working hard on my body for a few years now and have hit a plateau. I am pushing forward and reading articles like this inspire me to keep "sowing my seeds." Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great read!!